Toasted Granola

Toasted Granola

Normally I like to make recipes that are not cooked as they are more nutritious. However this recipe is so delicious I know you will want to make it and more importantly make time to eat it. All my children loved this granola. The best way to eat it is to sprinkle some over a bowl of chopped up fresh fruit – done the night before if your mornings are a rush- and add some non dairy milk. The extra enzymes and nutrients in the raw fruit makes up for those lost in cooking the granola. My daughter takes a box of granola to work and keeps it in the lunch room so she makes her breakfast when she arrives at work. Whatever works to give you a healthy breakfast is perfect. This recipe makes a lot so make it on the weekend before the week speeds up. You can substitute other nuts or seeds – it all depends on what‘s in your pantry. This looks a lot like bought toasted muesli but it is low in bad fats and sugar and other nasties the manufacturers sneak in.


-2 cups rolled oats
-¾ cup wheat germ
-½ cup shredded coconut
-⅓ cup sesame seeds
-⅓ cup sunflower seeds
-½ cup nuts (walnuts, almonds, macadamia etc)
-6 tablespoons honey


Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F) and roast oats for about 15 minutes turning with a fork Add remaining ingredients and mix through Roast till golden brown stirring occasionally – about 20 minutes Cool down and store in an airtight container

This is a great breakfast that can be made and already in your bag the night before. No fear of forgetting this tasty breakfast in the morning rush. Mix a selection of dried fruit and nuts (raw) and put in a sealed container or ziplock bag. Munch on the way to work or nibble throughout the day for a healthy snack

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