Pizza Crust Recipe

Pizza Crust Recipe


 * 0.47 L warm water (110F - 115F)
 * 59 milliliters olive oil
 * 2 packages yeast
 * 1 2/5 L all-purpose flour
 * 9 9/10 milliliters of salt yellow cornmeal


Proof yeast with slat in warm water. Mix yeast, water and olive oil, stir in flour 1 cup at a time.
Turn out onto floured surface, knead until smooth, 5 to 7 minute, adding flour as necessary.
Dough will be soft. Place in oiled bowl, turning to coat all sides, cover with plastic wrap and let
rise in warm place until doubled. Punch down and let rest 15 mins. Divide in half an, press out
into tow 12 inch round pizza pans or 10x15x1 pans or 1 of each. sprinkled with yellow
cornmeal(prevents crust from sticking).

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