Introduction :
Bringing a cute puppy into your home is a great joy which only a person who does that
can experience. These dogs provide you with a very sincere relationship which you
cannot get anywhere else in the world.
There can be two situations after bringing in a dog and one of them is that your kids and
family may get hours of entertainment, pure love and lots of fun with that dog. The other
situation is little embarrassing because your dog can also bring destruction, chaos and
discipline problems in your house.
To ensure that you always have the first situation with your dog, you need to train your
dog accordingly and make sure that he has the proper manners to live with humans.
Also you should take care about your dog's health and choosing the best food for your
dog .
Top 10 Dog Training Tips :
1. Concentrate on what your dog is doing right. Professional dog trainers everywhere
tell their students to reward their dogs when they do something right. This “positive
training” method is in contrast to training that centers on punishment. Trainers
recommend that owners praise and reward their dogs with treats and affection for good
behavior instead of just scolding them for bad behavior.
2. Be proactive and keep your dog from behaving badly in the first place. One of the
most important tips that a professional dog trainer will tell his or her students is that
good behavior is not just the responsibility of the dog. The owner must make every
effort to avoid giving the dog the ability to engage in bad behavior while they are still
learning the ropes. For example, if you notice that your dog likes to chew, it’s important
to make sure that everyone in the home puts their shoes behind closed closet doors to
remove temptation.
3. Stop saying NO! One of the biggest mistakes that people make when training their
dogs is saying NO without giving the dog an explanation of some type. Dogs, much like
children, will become confused with a simple command of NO! Here’s what you should
do instead. If your dog is stealing the cat’s food, tell him NO and then gently guide him to
his own food dish. Or, if your dog is chewing on a table leg tell him NO and give him
rawhide or another toy on which he can chew. Once your dog begins to actually use the
new behavior, reward him with treats, toys and praise.
4. Learn the difference between boredom and separation anxiety. It is important to
determine whether your dog is misbehaving when you leave home because he is bored,
or because he is experiencing a case of separation anxiety. Figuring out why your dog is
engaging in bad behaviors is usually the quickest way to combat the problem. If
boredom seems to be the issue, you can probably keep your dog from destroying your
house during alone time by providing him a toy stuffed with treats or something else
that will help exercise his mind a little. If separation anxiety is the problem, you will
need to learn ways to desensitize your dog to not only your absence, but also your
“preparing to leave”
5. Consider trying clicker training. Clicker training is a relatively new technique in the
dog training world and involves the owner using a specific sound to indicate to their dog
that a particular behavior is acceptable or desired. The owner will repeat the “click” and
then reward their dog for his or her good behavior. The positive feedback will encourage
the dog to repeat the good behavior.
6. Be patient, persistent and consistent. These three behaviors on the part of an
owner will develop similar behaviors in a dog. Patience means that you understand that
learning new behaviors may take some time and a lot of practice and repetition.
Persistence means that you, as the owner, do not give up when training does not seem to
be going well. Consistent means that your dog knows what to expect from you. For
example, if you always say NO when your dog is misbehaving, they learn to recognize
NO as a sign of disapproval. Conversely, if you only give treats for good behavior, your
dog will learn to recognize such positive feedback.
7. Start early. As soon as you get a dog, you should begin training in some capacity. If
you are getting a late start, it may take some time to catch up. The key to remember is
that training is often nothing more than reversing bad habits and behaviors. If your dog
is young, they haven’t had a chance to develop a significant number of these bad
behaviors and training will be simple. With an older dog, you really have to unteach
everything the dog knows about behavior and start to reteach behaviors that you find
8. Be kind and ge
ntle for best results. An owner who constantly punishes his or her
dog for bad behaviors is bound to be a lot less successful than an owner who is gentle
and kind, rewarding his or her dog for acceptable behaviors. Consider offering your dog
plenty of praise, and be gentle when redirecting his attention from a bad behavior to one
that is more acceptable to you.
9. Have reasonable expectations. For example, if your dog misbehaves at home you
are wise to expect that he will misbehave at the dog park or in the yard. Therefore, if
your dog is having trouble paying attention to your commands you will want to make
sure to keep him on a leash when outside. If your dog jumps on people in the house,
expect that he will be rough with other dogs. You can reverse these behaviors through
positive training, but you need to realize that bad behaviors will most likely continue
regardless of the circumstances until they have been unlearned by your dog.
10. Always enforce your commands. If you give commands, but do not enforce them,
your dog will learn that there is no reason to listen to you. On the other hand, if you back
up your commands with reinforcement he will quickly learn that you mean business
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