Pizza Dough And Sauce Recipe

Pizza Dough And Sauce Recipe


***Pizza Dough***
 * 3/4 tablespoon yeast
 * 1 1/2 cup water
 * 1 1/2 teaspoon salt
 * 3 tablespoons oil
 * 4 cups flour
***Pizza Sauce***
 * 6 ounces can tomato paste
 * 1/2 cup wine or water
 * 1 teaspoon oregano
 * 1 teaspoon salt
 * 1 tablespoon sugar
 * 1 tablespoon vegetable oil or olive oil
 * 1 1/2 tablespoon parmesan cheese


Dissolve yeast in water (You can add a pinch of sugar). Stir in salt, oil and half of flour. Gradually
add remaining flour, mixing well. Knead 8-10 minutes or until smooth and elastic. Place in
greased bowl and let rise until double (1/2-1 hour). Punch down and let rise again until double.
Punch down and divide. Pan out on pizza pans. Top with pizza sauce & toppings. Bake at 400 for
20-25 minutes.
Pizza Sauce: Mix all ingredients together, blending well (You can also add a few sprinkles of garlic
powder if you want).
Top with meats, cheese and other toppings.

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